Now, with DKS - Digital Kopy Services as your partner, you should never have to turn away a printing or copying job again. In fact, with DKS, you can make money on all our services. Wholesale ONLY to the printing trade. We offer digital printing and copying, offset printing, custom label service, direct mail, blueprinting, wide format graphics, web and graphic design, and with a full-service automated bindery.
We are a family owned wholesale trade only printer, offering high profit margins to our partners since 1997. DKS is the printing trade's answer to digital and offset printing services. We run the jobs that are not efficient for you to do. We do it fast and we do it good. Perhaps most important, we do it cost efficiently. That adds up to a winning proposition for you, and your customers. Instead of turning down jobs, you can win jobs.
We are not your competitors; we are your partners!